With PA-20, the new Micromega preamplifier together with PW-250 and PW-400 its power partners, you will be able to reach levels of reproduction unobtainable with an integrated solution.
PA-20 share with IA-60, IA-100 and IA-180, the three integrated amplifiers of this range, some functionalities which fall under a serach for coherence of the products making their ergonomics intuitive and supporting the change from one model to another without the necessity to relearn how the new one functions come.
Thanks to the use of MICROMEGA ACTS® power supply which allows PA-20 to reproduce the most complex musical signals in a totally effortless manner, with a great sense of dynamic.

- Net weight : 5 kg
- Length : 430 mm
- Width : 290 mm
- Height : 69 mm
- Available : black or silver